About Us

We are one church in the greater Vineyard family of churches. The Vineyard is a church-planting movement committed to making disciples whose lives are radically transformed by the love of Jesus. We also commit to equipping those disciples to be empowered by the Holy Spirit to carry out the ministry of Jesus with Love and Power.
Our Team

Co-Lead Pastor
Chaz Bell
Chaz has a passion for young people, compassion ministries, and worship. Â He started leading at Vineyard Community Church in 2010 while workings as a Professor of Theatre Design and Technology at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. Â In 2017, he left the university to become KC Site Director for the Heroic Leadership Institute (a gap-year discipleship program). In 2020, he and his family moved to Fort Collins, CO to join the Vineyard Church of the Rockies as a Youth/Young Adult Pastor. Feeling that God was calling them to step out and create new disciple-making communities, he and his wife, Heather, Â felt God leading them to Colorado Springs to take of the role of Lead Pastor together. They love doing ministry together and know that their complimentary gifts make them better together than they could ever be on their own. In his spare time, Chaz loves driving around in his Jeep with the top and doors off, and playing disc golf.

Co-Lead Pastor
Heather Bell
Heather Bell is passionate abouts kids and families. Her journey of leadership started as a student leader with Intervarsity while she was working on her B.S. in Accounting at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. After graduation, she joined the UMKC campus staff with Intervarsity for several years before she took a step back to raise her three amazing kiddos as a stay-at-home mom. Always the champion for kids, Heather joined the staff of Vineyard Community Church in 2010 as the Mid-Week Children's Pastor. Feeling that God was calling them to step out and create new disciple-making communities, she and her husband, Chaz, followed God's leading to Colorado Springs to take of the role of Lead Pastor together. They love doing ministry together and know that their complimentary gifts make them better together than they could ever be on their own. She loves city life, good music, and great food. The whole Bell family loves spending time in the great outdoors. In her free time, Heather enjoys playing the piano and guitar, catching up on a good book, or cooking something new.

Children's Pastor
Kathy Emeis-Beers
Kathy Emeis has been at the Vineyard for about 6 years. She has volunteered and worked in Children's Ministry for over 20 years. She finds the greatest joy in working with children. It keeps her young and makes her happy. Kathy also works in the public schools as a counselor and previously as a school psychologist. She likes hiking, biking and swimming. She loves snow and reading mystery novels.

Community Life Pastors
Reagan & Eric Ward
Eric and Reagan's desire is to cultivate authentic communities with God at the core. Their passion for genuine community is evident as they serve in worship, youth group, and lead small groups. With their daughter Elise, they are committed to fostering a thriving church family where love, growth, and faith intersect.
Board of Elders/Treasurer
Steve Wint
Steve's roles in the Springs Vineyard are centered around worship, media, and leadership. By trade, he is an electrical engineer and brings his background in "high tech" to the Springs Vineyard to help apply technology more transparently to promote worship. He has been involved in music ministries in many churches, including several Vineyard churches, large and small, since Jr. high school, playing flute, acoustic guitar, bass, and piano/keyboard. Steve's hobbies include hiking in the mountains, playing (and recording) music, woodworking, and wine making.

Board of Elders
Josh & Sarah Wells
Josh and Sarah have been at the Vineyard since the spring of 2013 and were so excited to find a place in Colorado Springs where the Holy Spirit is welcome and able to minister alongside of people. It is their immense pleasure to serve on the Leadership Team with such an amazing group of people.